Student Name: Date:
1. Carefully read the APA Scavenger Hunt Guidelines found in Doc Sharing. This provides specific details on how to complete this assignment.
2. Rename this document by clicking “Save As.” Change the file name so it reads Your Last Name APA Scavenger Hunt.docx. For example, if your last name is Smith, type “Smith APA Scavenger Hunt.docx”.
3. Save the document in a file format compatible with Microsoft Word 2010 or later.
4. Type your name and date at the top of this template.
5. Type your answers directly on the template. Follow all instructions. Save frequently to prevent loss of your work.
6. Submit to the Dropbox by the end of Week 3, Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT.
7. Post questions about this assignment to the Q & A Forum so your classmates can read the advice, too. You may also e-mail questions to your instructor.
APA Element/Rule
APA Manual Location
(Page Number and Reference Point)
Points Earned
Title Page
1. Running head: Using correct capitalization, alignment, and punctuation, type a running head used for a title page in the Answer box for this item.
On the line below that, using correct capitalization, alignment, and punctuation, demonstrate a running head used for subsequent pages.
(8 points answer)
pp. 229–230, 8.03
p. 41, Fig. 2.1
2. Byline and institutional affiliation: Using correct alignment, capitalization, and line spacing, type your byline and institutional affiliation in the box to the right.
(5 points answer, 3 points location)
Body of Paper and General Formatting Rules
3. Margins: What setting is prescribed for margins in the body of the paper and reference page?
(7 points answer)
p. 229, 8.03
4. Line spacing and typeface: What line spacing should be used for the title, body of the paper, and references?
What is the preferred typeface and size?
(4 points answer, 3 points location)
5. Headings: What are