Patricia Tyler
SOC 308
Tirizia York
October 11, 2010
Ethnic Relations Affected by Apartheid’s Laws in South Africa Over the years immigrants have migrated from their native lands to different countries with the hopes and dreams of benefiting from the valued resources other developed countries have to offer. Migration occurs mainly for the purpose to gain better opportunities and life chances. In most cases, depending on an immigrant’s personal characteristics and physical traits being similar to that of the dominant groups the process of assimilating into society is less difficult; however, for those that are not close in physical traits to the dominant group have a much harder time being accepted or ability to receive resources willingly and tend to become more pluralistic as a result. Pluralistic is defined when an individual does not make any effort to conform to the dominant ethnic group’s values, norms or beliefs. Those that practice pluralistic continue to believe in their cultural values, norms and beliefs; however, this practice normally ends in resentment as these individuals are in most cases at the bottom of the ethnic stratification class. Research has showed that the dominant group is usually referred to the ethnic group that holds political control and economic resources shared among that particular group as they are numerically the majority and most immigrants are few in numbers are considered the minority. Currently in the United States and around the world in most countries societies are blended and residing in a multiethnic society as immigrants travel across the world and merge living together. However, in South Africa there is tension among ethnic groups as they have yet to equally coexist together as a result of apartheid which caused a delay in the developing of their multiethnic society. The research conducted for this final paper was on South Africa and