A. Language is system of communication through speech, a collection of sounds that a group of people understands to have the same meaning. 1. Language is a part of culture 2. Geographers ask “where” different languages are used and “why” different languages have distinct distributions
B. Literary tradition is a written language (many spoken languages have no written languages)
C. KEY ISSUE 1: Where are different languages distributed? 1. Language families are a collection of languages related through common ancestry; the families are: a. Indo-European (50% of spoken languages) b. Sino-Tibetan (20% of spoken languages) c. Austronesian (in Southeast Asia) d. Afro-Asiatic (in the Middle East) e. Niger-Congo (in Africa) f. Dravidian (in India) g. 5% of spoken languages from c. – f. combined h. Remaining 10% of spoken languages a member of smaller families not listed above
2. Language branch is a division of a language family; branches share a common origin, but have evolved into different languages
3. Language group is a division of a language branch; individual languages share a common origin in the relatively recent past and displays relatively few differences in grammar and vocabulary.
4. English belongs to the West Germanic group of the Germanic branch of the Indo-European family
5. Dialect is a form of a language spoken in a certain area distinguished by a regional spelling, vocabulary, and pronunciation – E.G. American and British English
6. Official language is a form of a language used in business, government, education, etc. in areas that speak more than one language
7. Indo-European Language Family: a. More than 3 billion people speak languages of the Indo-European Family b. Branches are: