We are the only one who can think twice before any good and bad decision in our life. Some of our actions may go wrongly the reason we don't think much about it before taking that decision. And sometimes our desire may took us to take wrong decisions, in order to avoid the risk that concerned with our decision we need to think twice or thrice before deciding something. Some decision may take as completely wrong for the entire life. For example, once Lorenzon Carcaterra and his friends wanted to have fun and make a prank. So they went to a hotdog cart and ask for one hotdog, when Lorenzo got it, he suddenly got away with his friends, without paying it. Without thinking the issues they would be involve later. In fact, whenever we want to do something, we have to think about the repercussions that we are going to have in the future.…
A lack of security, guidance, and a constant fear of punishment for one’s actions all lead to fear in an individual.…
One of the central philosophies of "Self-Reliance" is not to be afraid to be take risks and to listen to your soul. Throughout his life, Chris McCandless…
”(Barry) The opposite of uncertainty is certainty. Uncertainty can make anybody terrified, knowing that something is not guaranteed to go right can make people weak. Scientists have come to the conclusion that, “Uncertainty makes one tentative if not fearful, and tentative steps, even when in the right direction, may not…
An individual can become fearful of something unusual that may come into mind. In the essay “Dumpster Diving,” Lars Eighner states, “But my strongest reservation about going through individual garbage cans is that this seems to me a very personal kind of invasion to which I would be object if I were a householder” (723). Lars worried when the thought crossed his mind of what could possibly happen to him if he were to go through an individual garbage can. When anyone’s safety is in danger, we all have the instinct to not do anything that does not include our own personal safety. In the essay “Thirty Eight Who Saw Murder Didn’t Call the Police,” Martin Gansberg tells the reader, “A husband and wife both said; Frankly we were afraid” (122). The couple has shown apathy towards the situation because they did not want themselves to get hurt by helping out somebody else.…
There are many pithy observations that contain a general truth in society today. An example of a pithy observation is the statement, “if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.” There is also this aphorism written by Henry David Thorreau. Mr. Thoreau said, “Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish that they are really after.” This quote has a very strong explanation. Henry David is telling us that many people go on a hunt for things not really knowing what they are looking for. This could also mean that what they are really searching for is in disguise by some thought of theirs. This quote is very precise and truthful.…
Though doubt and certainty are opposite, they both have pros and cons to them. When you look at the pros and cons of each of them they fall equally important in a person’s life. This, because with certainty, according to Phelps , is a way to accomplish anything that life will throw at you which will allow for success, but as Russell says you must still doubt in order to move more forward in your thoughts and opinions to get to success. With both certainty and doubt success is sure to follow.…
Being certain about something can sometimes be misleading or misunderstood. You either assure certainty or question doubt. You can easily be a cocky football player, think you have the best team, and go into the game knowing you’re going to win and have no doubt that the other team is better than you, but end up losing. But as soon as you have doubt and get intimidated by the other team you instantly try your best to win the game, no matter the obstacles and challenges you go through and prove to the other team you’re better.…
Some people believe that life depends on either the concepts of certainty and doubt. With certainty comes a sense of confidence. When you are certain about everything in life, you will know with absolute truth your capabilities, responsibilities, and consequences for your actions. However doubt engraves a feeling of the unknown. If you are uncertain about life, then how will you ever be restrained by boundaries? Doubt may be the only certain undeniable truth.…
Certainty leads to a powerful belief that is absolute when coming to decisions. It causes individuals to feel capable of accomplishing anything. Some may hold a feeling of doubt which prevents them from taking action. They prefer to stay on the safe side instead of taking a risk to fight for what many believe. Having doubt is better than being certain because it forms diversity based on one's opinion and opens up freedom to those who want to broaden the horizon of choices. Without doubt, everybody would be forced to believe one thing without anything restricting them.…
I believe the dispute between the two virtues, certainty and doubt, is very controversial. Despite the clear sides that people have fixed themselves to, there are pros and cons to both. A person’s doubt can cloud their judgment. Yet it can also aid them in making the better decision, by questioning and eliminating the inferior options. On the other hand, a person’s certainty can blind them from seeing the truth. Regardless of these cons, both are necessary in the everyday choices of life. Isaiah Stock, an APLAC student at University of North Carolina, said, “Think of certainty and doubt as parts of an automobile. Certainty is considered to be the accelerator, while doubt is the steering wheel. You can get nowhere without driving --certainty—but without steering through the impediments in your way, you will surely crash and burn.” I consider this to be a very acceptable metaphor of the balanced relationship between certainty and doubt. An excess of either, on the other hand, is detrimental to one’s wellbeing. I t is necessary to balance certainty and doubt in order to accomplish all of one’s life goals. But I believe that, because doubt is so highly misconstrued, doubt is more necessary in the process of making decisions.…
“I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do.” (Lee 149).…
The belief in one’s unworthiness drives one to live a fear-based life. The fear of showing people one’s true self in order to avoid the one aspect, vulnerability, makes a person courageous. Fear and courage are…
Because doubt often takes over in our minds, therefore it can stop us from accomplishing tasks that we are certain we can do, since certainty comes through our minds and easily exits leaving us in doubt about what could have been. On the other hand, certainty gives confidence to people who become so overwhelmed with doubt. Certainty is what allows us to have more confidence to accomplish anything that other people may believe is the impossible. More than likely there have been many cases in history, politics, sports, and entertainment that have caused people to show either doubt or certainty.…
"One danger in the current environment is that we lose sight of the fact that decisions are judgments about what needs to be done within a…