
Appendix B: Robert's Connections With His Environment

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Appendix B: Robert's Connections With His Environment
Summary of Ecomap Findings The ecomap diagram in Appendix B is used to visually show Robert’s connections with his environment. Robert is suffering from PTSD, but has made some strong connections that support him through his journey. Even though times were hard, Mary has always stood by Robert’s side and been a strong support system. Robert has also found strong support from his psychologist and PTSD support group. These two therapies allowed Robert to realize he has a problem, and needs to learn to manage his condition. Robert has a good attachment with the family therapy session, because it has allowed him to re-establish a strong connection with Mary. Weaker connections include Robert’s teenage children, Matt and Emily, and his co-workers. …show more content…
The family can focus on areas needing improvement. The family assessment would also be beneficial to the healthcare provider in creating a family teaching plan (Taylor et al., 2011). The knowledge obtained in the family assessment will create a family specific …show more content…
The assessment tool is a guide to improve holistic care to the family. The structural assessment showed an adequate living environment for the family, but that the family did not often sleep under the same roof. Often Matt and Emily were at friend's houses, distancing themselves from the unbalance of home. Robert lacked socialization, and is struggling to maintain a military career. The family is Baptist, but all but Mary are lacking religious participation. The functional assessment showed an unbalance in the family roles. Robert and the children are often distant. The family has been implementing more family based activities to become closer. Mary has taken a main role in the family and is often overwhelmed with responsibilities, but as Robert improves, the rest of the family is helping to manage chores and decisions. The ecomap visually showed the connection Robert has in his environment, based on the family assessment. Robert has strong support system through Mary and his therapy sessions and groups. The attachments are growing between other connections as Robert continues his treatment plan. The assessment findings are valuable in improving the family’s structure and function and also in implementing a family specific

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