Present Data Flow Diagram Selecting Item
Receipt Menu Order Payment checking
Encoding Sent to Of Payment
Data of receipt
Cooked Ordered Item
Food Delivering
Proposed Data Flow Diagram
Selecting Item
Receipt Menu Order Payment checking
Encoding Sent to Of Payment
Data of receipt
Cooked Ordered Item Receipt
Chapter I
Overview of the current state
Purple Rose is located at Aldeguer St. Iloilo City. It was established on December 29, 2013. It has 7 employees currently hired. Its first name was Purple Jazz which was located at Amigo Mall.
Currently the Purple Rose is using the traditional manual system of record processing. This includes the collecting of ingredients, and distributing of stocks. The problem arises when an individual makes a mistake in the processing of records which will result to less accurate, ability and reliability to update data and to take action on unexpected events, Time it takes to manage the data, Time it takes to retrieve the data.
Background of the desired state
A system that can fulfill the needs of the business. which can easily manipulate the data, in terms of recording, updating, and distributing. The goal of the system is to reduce the time consumed by the individual who is managing the data and to improve the security for the data records which is vulnerable to any malicious persons.
Scope of limitations
This study is focused on the Inventory System of chosen restaurant that operates in manual way such as the stock monitoring, thus transforming into a user friendly, organized and efficient system.
The system we will develop will have a log in system which can prevent other people to intrude the data records. An easy retrieval