Mercury Drug Store Bulacan Balagtas Town Center Branch is offers health related services and is located in Bulacan, Philippines. You can contact them on phone on 63 44 693 2955 or you can meet them at their address in Bulacan which is Stall 106-1 Balagtas Town Center, Balagtas, 3016, Bulacan. Mercury Drug Store Bulacan Balagtas Town Center Branch listed sevices activity is Pharmacies.
The proposed system will help the company to make the
1.1 Background of the study
It has been disclosed during the interview that Mercury Drug Store – Balagtas Town Center Branch needs a computerized inventory system. The company’s current inventory monitory system though works for them has to automate. A simplified computerized inventory system will be very helpful to the company since this will expedite its inventory workflow as well as generate very timely reports needed by the management for its evaluation and review and overall decision making. An inventory control system is a process for managing and locating objects or materials. In common usage, the term may also refer to just the software components. Modern inventory control systems often rely upon barcodes tags to provide automatic identification of inventory objects. Inventory Systems help companies with huge inventories to easily and accurately monitor their stocks. With the use of a database, information will be readily available to the user and can be easily updated without having to scroll through spreadsheets.
1.2 Statement of a problem
The proponent’s problem is to create an proposed system that will help and responds to the needs of the mercury drug store.
1.2.1 General Problem
How to improve the manual point of sales and inventory?
-The researcher’s main problem is to create a Computerized point of sale and inventory System that will every time assure every process and transaction is done more accurately and in more secure manner. 1.2.2 Specific Problems
The main problems that needs