Appendix C
Rhetorical Modes Matrix
|Rhetorical Mode |Purpose – Explain when or why |Structure – Explain what organizational |Provide 2 tips for writing in |
| |each rhetorical mode is used. |method works best with each rhetorical mode. |each rhetorical mode. |
|Narration |The purpose of narrative writing|The best method one can use to structure |Use narration for sequencing |
| |is to tell stories. For example,|their narrative essay is the chronological |or adding detail and more |
| |when you tell a friend, family |order. Try to envision is as a structural |information into a logical |
| |member or colleague about an …show more content…
Also as an addition |
| | | |to help evident your |
| | | |information provide clear and |
| | | |consistent examples as well. |
|Definition |The purpose of a definition |A definition essay opens with a general |A definition essay must |
| |essay seems self-explanatory, |discussion of the term(s) to be defined. Then|contain the following four |
| |the purpose of the definition |you as your thesis you state your definition |basics: |
| |essay is to define something, |of the term. |< A word or phrase that