
Appendix C: Rhetorical Modes Matrix

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Appendix C: Rhetorical Modes Matrix
Associate Program Material
Appendix C

Rhetorical Modes Matrix

Rhetorical modes are methods for effectively communicating through language and writing. Complete the following chart to identify the purpose and structure of the various rhetorical modes used in academic writing. Provide at least 2 tips for writing each type of rhetorical device.

|Rhetorical Mode |Purpose – Explain when or why |Structure – Explain what organizational |Provide 2 tips for writing in |
| |each rhetorical mode is used. |method works best with each rhetorical mode. |each rhetorical mode. |
|Narration |The purpose of a narration is |Narrations are usually best told in |First ask yourself if you want |
| |to
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Spatial order is the arrangement of |to describe, such as a person, |
| |readers are fully in tune with |ideas based on physical characteristics or |place, or event. |
| |the words on the page. |appearance. |Fill every part of your essay |
| | | |with full vivid sensory |
| | | |details, which include alll of |
| | | |the five senses. |
|Classification |The purpose of classification is|Classification essays are organized by its |Choose a topic you know a lot |
| |to break down wide ranging |subcategories. It begins with an introduction|about. The more you know about |
| |subjects into smaller, more |that introduces the broader topic and then |a topic the easier it will be

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