• Data: copy any data, graphs, charts, or notes that you have saved in your LeafLab online notebook into this section.
• Exploration: Answer the questions. The questions in the Exploration section are the same questions in your LeafLab instructions.
• Lab Summary: Write a 100- to 200-word summary.
Tomato Plant
Tomato Plant Notes Corn Leaf Lab
Corn Leaf Lab Notes Exploration
Answer the following questions in fewer than 100 words:
1. What is the relationship between an increase in light intensity and photosynthetic rate in leaves from a corn plant? How does this relationship compare with what you observed for tomato plants?
With both plants the photosynthesis rate increased while the light intensity increased.
2. Photosynthetic saturation is the maximum rate of photosynthesis. What value of light intensity produced photosynthetic saturation in corn leaves? 804
Lab Summary
Address the following points in a 100-to 200-word summary:
The purpose of this lab was to figure out the reactions of photosynthesis as the light intensity increased in tomato and corn plants. This lab helped me understand that as light intensity increased so did the reaction of photosynthesis. I think that the most challenging part for me was understanding how to increase the slope and the other options. I also found that to be the most interesting because it is neat that is how we configure the information. This lab was really informative and helpful with everything that we learned this week. It really helped me to understand photosynthesis with the increase of light.
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