Apple would be best served with sourcing recruitment efforts from private employment agencies for their top technology or engineering positions. Considering the secrecy that surrounds Apple products, head hunters would be able to source out potential right fit candidates for Apple’s top positions. For their more entry level tiers, recruitment efforts at Colleges and Universities would be an effective and affordable approach. Apple also will have its fair share of direct applicants, considering the fact that it is very trendy and appeals to all consumers. As stated in the NY times, it has “cast a spell” on consumers and investors.
When visiting Apple’s website for careers, the page is appealing and full of promise for not just any job, but a career. Apple is a company that is going to always stay on the frontier of new ideas. In order to do this, it is important to stay fresh with new perspectives and ideas. With this being the case, Apple would want to not only source their talent from internal sources such as referrals or all internal promotions. It is important to show growth and have succession planning in any company, but it should not be the sole source of growth as it might limit new ideas and innovations from coming to the table from outside experiences.
Recruiter traits and behaviors that would lead to a successful recruiting campaign for Apple
Recruiters for Apple would have to have both the talent of being warm, welcoming, trendy, innovative as well as specialists in the Apple product, culture and mission. In order for Apple to attract the best talent, they have to have the best talent looking for them. The product Apple has a certain appeal and when one goes to an Apple store or an Apple table at a job fair, there is a certain expectation that the person you are going to be talking with, is just as trendy as the product they sell. One
References: Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. M. (2011). Fundamentals of human resource management (4th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Hoshiko, Eugene (2011). Apple Incorporated. 2011 Earnings: First Quarter. Retrieved from