Business Strategy
Objective: To develop a market demand for Apple products in developing countries to insure the longevity of the Apple brand.
Apple inc. is a Multinational Corporation operating in 97 countries worldwide. It offers an array of products from computers to televisions to software. Apple is revered as a leader in innovative products that are both user friendly and ascetically pleasing. In the market of computers today, Mac and PC are more similar then anything in terms of hardware. The memory in a MacBook Pro is almost identical to a comparable PC laptop. So where is the line that draws users to PC or Mac? The obvious difference is the OS or Operating System. Most desktop PC’s run on Windows OS while Apple has its own Mac OS. Bearing this in mind we dug deeper into the subject. Due to the fact that Apple already has a broad span of users in all parts of the world, we wanted to find out why it is that consumers here in the U.S. choose PC over Apple. We asked ourselves why do we choose PC? The consensus was two things; price and custom. We wanted to draw a higher demand for Mac computers without sacrificing profit.(IE price) What we are left with is custom. We concluded that the consumers are accustomed to their respective OS. Most corporations, schools, and government facilities here in the U.S. use PC’s and people are simply drawn to PC because they are used to the interface. Bearing this in mind Apple is still able to draw in record profits in laptop sales. We view this analysis as an opportunity rather than a limitation to the Apple Corporation. We approached this parody with one question in mind; how can we predispose people to use MAC OS?
Some of the reasons of why to do business with China include: Improved international relations, government reforms, an expanding economy and increased foreign investment. It is necessary that those doing business in China learn about areas such business culture,
Citations: 2. The Payment of Wages Act, 1936, and the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 call for regular and timely payment of wages, industry wage boards to recommend the minimum wage and fix the wage-rate structure for each industry. * The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1959 requires employers in industrial establishments to define conditions of employment. * The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 covers mandatory maternity benefits. * The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 requires employers to pay a gratuity to workers earning less than a certain limit upon termination of service. * The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 prohibits job and wage discrimination based on sex, except for prohibiting or restricting the employment of women in certain categories of work. * The Trade Unions Act, 1926 provides for registration of trade unions. By way of amendment in 2001, it reduced the multiplicity of trade unions. Copyright Laws: The Copyright Act, 1957 protects original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works and cinematograph films and sound recordings from unauthorized uses