Amanda Hayden, Amanda Duran, Eduardo Navarro, Jerry Philips, & Jonathan Chapman
March 2, 2015
Elizabeth Natali
Application of Clinical Psychology Paper
Problems with a marriage is something that many couple face every day. There are many stressors constantly tugging at the delicate balance needed to have a happy marriage. When those factors combine with the internal factors of the marriage things can sometimes fall apart. This paper explores the situation Hans and Marta have found themselves in within their marriage and how therapist can help them get through it. They have taken the first step in the long process of saving their marriage by coming to therapy.
Brief Overview
This case highlights a marriage on the verge of collapse combined with violence and abuse. The two primary individuals in this case are Hans and his wife Marta, they also have five children between the two of them who play a vital role in this case (Plante, 2011, Chapter 1). This is a blended family like many families are in today’s society. Hans is reported to be a violent abusive man who not only abuses his wife but also his children, while Marta is considered to be distant towards her husband all while they deal with their ex-spouses and the (Plante, 2011, Chapter 1). The fact that there is children and violence involved leaves the therapist with no choice but to report the violence. The therapist has a legal responsibility to report the violence against the children to Child Protective Services (CPS) even if that results in Hans and Marta discontinuing therapy (Plante, 2011, Chapter 1). The couple forced the therapist to make the call the moment they mentioned the violence against the children. As it stands Hans is refusing to take responsibility for his violent behavior and Marta is not currently capable of standing up for herself or able to formulate a plan for when violence does occur (Plante, 2011, Chapter 1). Their story is one that
References: (2014). Why do People stay in Abusive Relationships?. Retrieved from Plante, T. G. (2011). Contemporary Clinical Psychology (3rd ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database. Sherman, R., & Fredman, N. (1986). Handbook of structural techniques in marriage and family therapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel. Stuart, R. (1989). Helping couples change. New York: Guildford Press