Glucose Effect on Diabetic and Non Diabetic Blood
Abstract: This lab was developed to investigate blood glucose and diabetes. Diabetes is a lifelong chronic disease in which there are high levels of sugar in the blood (Diabetes). The spectrophotometer was applied to this lab to determine the absorbance of blood glucose in diabetic and non-diabetic blood samples. In order to prove this, tests were conducted by taking the blood samples at different times right before a meal was eaten then 30, 60, 90, and 120 minutes after the meal. The 6 test tubes had been placed in the spectrophotometer to measure the absorbance of blood glucose in the diabetic and non-diabetic blood. It was hypothesized that people with diabetes will absorb more light from the higher amount of glucose in their body measured by the spectrophotometer compared to non-diabetics being less absorbent from lack of glucose. The results will show the significant difference in the absorption level for diabetic and non-diabetic blood. The level of blood glucose will remain higher longer in diabetics than non-diabetics. This experiment could have been easily flawed by human error but collectively the hypothesis seemed to be correct in this experiment. Those with diabetes would absorb more light from the higher amount of glucose in their body compared to non-diabetics measured by the spectrophotometer.
Introduction: The purpose of this experiment was to determine the blood glucose of each sample of diabetic and non-diabetic blood samples. Diabetes occurs when an individual develops a dysfunction in insulin production and/or insulin action, which induces an inability to metabolize glucose carried within the blood stream (Boyer). This experiment tested how quickly blood glucose returns to the pre-meal value in both diabetic and non-diabetic blood samples. With this being said, it was hypothesized that people with diabetes will absorb more light from the higher amount of glucose in their body measured
Cited: Boyer, Brett “Comprehensive handbook of clinical health psychology.” (2007) Ch. 8. Google Scholar. Web 15 Oct. 2009. "Diabetes - PubMed Health." PubMed Health. Ed. David Zieve and David R. Eltz. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 31 Aug. 2011. Web. 14 Nov. 2011. <>. Weinstein, Susan “Table 7.1. Absorbance data for non-diabetic and diabetic “blood” samples during a 2 hour time period.” Marshall University BSC 120 Lab Manual (2009):81. Weinstein, Susan “Using Spectrophotometry to measure blood glucose.” Marshall University BSC 120 Lab Manual (2009):73.