1. Evaluate and modify methods for detection of Fusarium Race 2 resistance gene.
2. Evaluation of two step protocol for detection of Mi-1 gene.
3. Verification of marker for Ty-1 and evaluation for marker in Guatemala breeding lines. (This is a Geminivirus that is transmitted by the whitefly)
4. Use of molecular markers to detect geminivirus resistance source for Gu143 (chilense or hirsutum or potentially both).
Introduction: Many third world country farmers rely on their crops to provide them with food and a small income. The problem that has been becoming more evident is that these farmers must battle viruses, bacteria, fungi, and nematodes while caring for their crops. These pathogens cause great damage by wiping out whole generations of crops leaving the farmers unable to feed their families and no income. With all of these potential pathogens, rapid and inexpensive techniques that offer reliable resistance identification must be developed to assist breeders in their choices of what plants should be used to produce a resistant hybrid. Although there are various wild varieties of plants that are resistant to the different pathogens, these wild varieties have fruits that are usually too small and unrealistic for commercial use. So instead these wilds types are sources of resistant genes that can be introduced into plants that do produce fruits that are marketable. One such fruit that is being attacked by numerous pathogens is the tomato (genus Lycopersicon has 10 different species), and efforts are underway in many countries and by many commercial companies to breed new lines of tomatoes that incorporate resistance to many of these pathogens. Fusarium oxysporum is a soil borne fungus that infects plants through their roots and colonizes the xylem of the plant causing wilting. Tomato plants are the hosts for