Systematic desensitization is a procedure in which the person with a phobia practices relaxation while imagining scenes of the fear-producing stimulus (Miltenberger, 2012). And In vivo desensitization is similar to systematic desensitization, except that the client gradually approaches or is gradually exposed to the actual fear-producing stimulus (Miltenberger, 2012). On a simple statement systematic the person relax while imaginative the fear stimulus and on vivo the person is expose gradually to the fear. The advantage of systematic is cheaper on monetary prospect & effective on specify phobias- some disadvantages not effective on depression. The advantage of in vivo desensitization the person make real contact with the feared stimulus and the disadvantage is more costly and time consuming.
On Maria case I would use in Vivo Desensitization procedure:
I would provide relaxation exercises. Then I would develop the following hierarchy-
1. Have a get together (small party) with Maria and I at her home
2. Have a get together (small party) with Maria and I at my office
3. Have a get together (small party) with Maria, one friend and I at her home
4. Have a get together (small party) with Maria, one friend and I at my office
5. Have a get together (small party) with Maria family members (birthday celebration- small group 5-7 pp)
6. Have a get together (medium party) with Maria and few friends (est. 4pp) at her home
7. Have a get together (medium party) with Maria and few friends (est. 4pp) on a moderate public place Ex. Movie theaters.
8. Have a get together