Effective Meetings For Managers
Meetings are an effective way of communicating to a group of people all at the same time and for a common purpose. It is important when inviting people to a regular meeting such as ‘Monthly Communication Sessions’ or ‘Team Meetings’ that an agenda is sent.
Agendas can be useful in many guises, however the main purpose of an agenda is to keep the meeting timed and focussed. Before sending the agenda out for my meetings I ask my team if they would like to add anything specific to the agenda. I will then send agendas at least one week before the meeting. Where possible, and if there are numerous agenda items, I will put the time limits down next to a certain item so that delegates …show more content…
Giving your delegates time to prepare is vital, however preparing for a meeting yourself is equally as important. As the chairperson or leader of the meeting, having an appropriate, concise agenda helps you do your job well. Asking the team for their inputs ahead of meetings gives them a chance to speak to you ahead of the meeting and therefore should avoid any surprises on your part.
‘Poor Preparation Provides Poor Performance’
The above widely recognised statement literally means that if you don’t prepare for something then you will not perform.
The first thing to do if you want to have a meeting is to plan it by doing the following:
• Decide what you want to talk about and write an agenda
• Choose when you want to hold the meeting
• Book a room
• Invite your delegates, send them an agenda and attach the previous minutes to the invitation
• Ensure that all relevant documentation is printed off and available prior to the meeting
• Select a secretary or minute …show more content…
The minutes should accurately reflect the meeting discussion points, however as most minutes are not written word for word, it is assume that the secretary or minute taker as captured the intent and meaning of the each discussion point.
As a minute taker it is recommended that the minutes are written up as soon after the meeting as possible as the meeting will still be fresh in your mind.
The minutes are also an effective way to confirm action points from the meeting and the owners of those action points. During the meeting if there are an action points then these can be minuted and it is usually agreed within the meeting as to who will action the specific point and by when. Due to the nature of action points, individuals are committing in front of the other meeting attendees.
Whilst minutes are useful for recording discussion points and also action points from regular team meetings, they are also essential when it comes to personnel meetings as these are then a legal record of any discussions.