The first step in Mining Group Gold is to effectively focus in on the Primary Facilitator. Essentially this step is important when “this person focuses in on the group dynamics as a whole. The head facilitator in the meeting has a job to create an even flow among the participants. They also must keep all participants on track when activities occur that normally throw the meeting objectives off subject. When the meeting is taking place their job is to take the floor and draw in attention of all members who are present. The key role in this group gold scenario is to re-focus the entire party and put these people back on track focusing mainly on the current objective and finding the goal and objective. (Kayser, 2010)
Following the Primary Facilitator is the coincidently the Secondary Facilitator is the second step in the gold mining process. The Secondary Facilitators job is actually composed of the entire party that is present. For an example the remainder of the party participants are supposed to weigh in on the current discussion by raising a hand and deciding when the conversation has come to a result. Everyone in the secondary group has a job to re-focus the initial outcome of the topic at hand. Redirection is key within the second step if the topic gets taken out of context. (Kayser, 2010)
In addition to the Primary and Secondary next in line is the Time Keeper.
During the third step the Time Keeper takes note of how much time is passing while each topic is discussed. Commonly this individual’s job is to make the members of the group aware of when half of their time is up. The third step is crucial because the entire party should know if the pace needs to be picked up or if there is extra time allotted for further discussion. When three quarters of the time is up in a meeting the facilitator takes the floor and decides how to accomplish the original outcome projection as well as the main objective of the