Communication, Knowledge and Information
Lecture 8: Personal Development
• Last lecture we covered:
Developing Communication Processes
• Name three types of meetings.
Who is the chairperson of a meeting and what is their role?
What is an agenda?
What should be included in an agenda?
What are the minutes of a meeting?
Comment on the role of the members of the meeting.
Personal Development
• Today 's lecture will cover:
How to create a personal plan for development A.C 3.3
Personal Development
Personal Development Plan
“What is a personal development plan?”
The official Wikipedia answer on the process around the personal development plan is the following: “Personal development planning …show more content…
Personal Development
In general, there are three types of motivation to create a personal development plan:
A business related formal personal development plan: This can be an action plan linked with an annual interview or an action plan following a training. In terms of motivation, it is important to resonate with the goals, even those suggested by your superior.
A private related motivation, this can be a formal or informal plan. If you intend to become a professional writer within the next ten years, it can be beneficial to do a formal planning.
A combination of the above.
Personal Development
How do you develop a PDP?
Development is a process of expanding, shaping and improving skills, knowledge and interests to improve your abilities and effectiveness. This can involve developing skills and knowledge that will enable you to move ahead to the next stage in your career but also to expand your breadth of skills and knowledge so that you become more expert in your current post or even to develop a new skill outside work e.g. playing a …show more content…
Personal Development
Strengths: This part looks at what the employee does well and where his or her skills shine. Questions to ask include:
What do you do better than others?
What positive traits do you have?
What sets you apart from others looking for jobs, such as education or certifications?
How strong is your network of connections?
What do other people see as your strengths?
What resources can you access?
What values and ethics set you apart from your peers?
Personal Development
Weaknesses: This part examines the areas in which an employee needs to improve and that will set him or her back when searching for certain types of positions. Questions to consider include:
What are your negative work habits and traits?
Does any part of your education or training need improving?
What would other people see as your weaknesses?
Do you have any limited resources, such as time or influence?
Do you have a weak network of connections that will hurt your chances of finding work?
What negative feedback about your personality or work habits have you received?