You have retained me to generate various strategies for communications in regards to the issues pertaining to your company’s questionable reaffirmation practices. This memo contains various strategies directed at a diverse array of stakeholders. |
To: Mr. Arthur Martinez (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer)
From: Douglas Puckett (External management consultant)
Date: [ 6/19/2013 ]
Re: Communication Strategy Memo
The bulk of the issues as I understand them are finding a manner to properly address the practice your company has been performing in regards towards reaffirmation agreements to those whom have filed bankruptcy. To a lesser extent if these agreements are even ethical despite the signee having been awarded bankruptcy or not. My intentions or expertise is not to provide the proper solutions for your company to take, but to provide the most efficient manner which to communicate those directives established. This memo is constructed in the form of addressing the primary stakeholders whom must be communicated towards and the best strategies with which to do so. To help see how these strategies are effective I will provide a sample solution directive, then provide the details of communicating said solution.
Phoenix Team
The suggested solution towards these management stakeholders is to instruct them to align and embrace a new business strategy of abolishing reaffirmation agreements. They will need to further understand how these practices cannot continue from a legal or ethical prospective. In accomplishing this, embrace and adherence from the management the management team is a necessity to funnel these new directions.
Prior to this meeting, establishing a communication plan is paramount. The first step should be to send out memo to the team instructing them
References: O 'Rourke, J. (2013). Management Communication: A Case-Analysis Approach. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Inc. Confidential