1. Explain the purpose of different types of minutes and other meeting records
Minutes are an official written statement of the motions and resolutions taken in a meeting. It is brief but a complete record of all discussions held with the members that attended the meeting. Minutes are also the official record of the proceeding of a meeting that should be needed to approve by the participating members of the meeting. An accurate written record of meetings is significantly important for both those of who attended the meeting but also for those who were unable to attend.
The minutes of a meeting can be divided into two groups.:
Minutes of narration: are minutes that will be a simple summary of all discussions …show more content…
But they differ from each; Agenda means the topics to be discussed in a meeting whereas minutes are a brief but complete statement of motion and resolutions of a meeting. The agenda is prepared before holding a meeting and read out at the beginning of the meeting in comparison to minutes that are prepared after the or at the time of the meeting and feedback on at the next meeting that will be held. Minutes are written in a resolutions book and must be approved by personnel who attended the meeting however the agenda is usually included in the notice book and approval is not required. The agenda is normally sent out by the higher authority of an organization and is signed by the secretary of the meeting with a date in comparison minutes are passed by members of the meeting as is signed by the chairperson of that …show more content…
5 Explain why it is important to maintain confidentiality of meetings, discussions and actions
As minutes of meetings can be used as legal evidence in employment/workplace disputes, minutes need to be kept confidential, and kept undisclosed unless requested under the Freedom of Information Act. With this act, minutes of official meetings can be requested and disclosed to the public, however there does need to be suitable public interest to do so. Sometimes, members of the meeting will give their consent for the minutes to be released.
6 Explain why it is necessary to record who proposed and seconded suggestions and changes
The main reason the names of people who proposed/seconded actions within a meeting are recorded is to remind the members of group of the previous meeting. It is not always necessary to record who seconded each motion or the number of votes it received, however the initials can be noted; members can also request their name is included with their vote. It would be unfair to include someone’s name without their permission because if a case ever required them to testify in court, they may be put under unnecessary pressure. The main function of minutes is to record whether each motion passed or