Taking Minutes forms an essential part of most meetings.
Their purpose is firstly to record Action Points, ie, what actions have been decided upon, who is responsible and what the milestones and deadlines are. Secondly they record summaries of the discussions held at the meeting.
Taking minutes is a skilled job because the minute taker has to follow what can be confusing and inarticulate debates and summarise accurately what was said.
After the meeting the minutes should be checked with the chairperson to confirm accuracy and then circulated to all attendees and and anyone else affected by any decisions taken at the meeting.
Use agreeAdate to send a copy of the minutes to all attendees after your meeting through your saved event file. One single email can be sent to everyone present at the meeting, plus anyone else who needs to be informed. Minutes are required in order to:
• confirm any decisions made
• record any agreed actions to be taken
• record who has been allocated any tasks or responsibilities
• prompt action from any relevant attendees
• provide details of the meeting to anyone unable to attend
• serve as a record of the meeting's procedure and outcome
Content of Minutes
Minutes should commence with the name of the corporation and give the type of meeting (e.g. directors or audit committee). The minutes should also record the date, time and place of the meeting and the persons in attendance at the meeting and the manner of attendance (e.g. in person, by telephone, or by video conference). Please see related document Sample Board Meeting Minutes.
Minutes should be written in the past tense (eg. "The Chairman advised the Meeting that ….") to record events at the meeting and in the past perfect tense to record events prior to the meeting (eg. "The Chairman reported that he had completed his survey ….").
Corporate legislation provides little guidance on the content of minutes. There are two schools of thought with respect