Title of Activity: Validation of Data and Formulation of IP/AD development Framework
Date/Time: July 21, 2009 / 11:10 A.M.
Venue: Carasi SB Session Hall
I. Objective: 1. To be able for the IP Community to validate all the data and approve the Carasi ADSDPP Phase II output.
2. To be able for the IP Community to reflect the IP’s collective Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives or long term goals, priority concerns and development strategies.
II. Participants: (Please see attached attendance sheet)
III. Output:
Meeting started at exactly 11:00 A. M.
Rose Fernandez, Dingras Community Service Center Head made a brief discussion regarding the overview of the meeting.
Engr. Emerson D. Carnate then presented the final draft of Carasi ADSDPP - Phase II Output. Problem Tree Analysis showed that Low Income which was caused by Low Production/Inadequate Capital and Unemployment was the main reason of problems affecting the development of the community. One by one as per the ICCs/IPs Rights, all the problems identified by the community were again discussed for further comments and verifications.
After the presentation, the IP community and Community Working Group were then able to validate all the data gathered and approved the final draft of Carasi ADSDPP – Phase II Output.
LUNCH BREAK . . . 12:30 – 01:15
Engr. Emerson D. Carnate discussed on the process of formulating the ADSDPP Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives and read a sample for the IP Community to formulate their own Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives.
After the discussion, a workshop on the formulation of the Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives followed and the IP Community was able to draft their own Vision, Mission and Goals. Mrs. Evelyn S. Corpuz and Mr. Victorino Boday, IP Leaders of Carasi