Strategic planning is notable for the lack of standardized methods and terminology in the field. It is therefore useful to establish operational definitions for terms used in the planning process and to be clear about what elements are included in the strategic plan. This help-sheet describes the strategic planning model developed by Nathan Garber & Associates to help clarify the roles of the board and the management.
Strategic Planning Model
Values what you believe is right & important; guiding principles
Strategic Plan
Vision how the community will be changed (very long term goals) Goals broad, general results to be achieved by end of planning period (3-5 yrs)
Mission broad statement of what you will do to achieve vision Strategies general description of actions you will take to achieve goals
Domain of the Board Operational Plan Domain of the Manager Objectives measurable, time-limited results leading to achievement of goals (1-3 yrs) Activities / tactics programs, services, administration to implement strategies and achieve objectives Means
The board’s role derives from its responsibility for overall governance of the organization and the recognition that board members are volunteers with limited knowledge of the operations of the organization. In the planning process, the board is responsible for clarifying organizational values, defining the vision and mission of the organization as a whole, setting medium-to-long-range goals for the organization, and selecting strategies that will enable the organization to achieve its goals while remaining faithful to the beliefs and principles that guide organizational behaviours. The role of management is to develop shorter term objectives and operationalize the strategies. This process, which includes developing annual objectives, budgets, service plans, and performance measures can be called operational planning.
© 2006, Nathan