Liza Knepper
The many different areas of applied psychology are found in every aspect of our lives from home to work; from our families to our friends it’s on the city street and in the red barn on the farm. Applied psychology has played a major role in our lives and is very important to the understanding of all psychology from the way we work to the way we sleep and is a large part of everything.
Understand Our World of Applied psychology
A. A little History
B. What is Psychology
C. Why is Applied psychology Important in our Overall Life
D. Psychology Research Methods
1. Experiments
2. Correlational studies
3. Longitudinal research
E. Understanding research methodology
1. What is Academic Psychology
2. What is basic research
3. What is Applied Psychology
F. Applied Research vs. Basic Research 1. Experimental vs. Correlation vs. Longitudinal G. Other Areas of Applied Psychology
1. Forensic psychology
2. Clinical psychology
3. Environmental psychology
4. Sports psychology
5. School psychology
6. Developmental Psychology
7. Cognitive Psychology
8. Industrial/ organization psychology
F. My conclusion to my understanding of Applied Psycholog
Applied Psychology
A little History Researcher Wilhelm Wundt is considered the father of psychology pursuing the knowledge to understand and explain our mind, emotion and actions in 1879 in Germany with the first psychology lab. Dr. Wundt’s interests was in the structure that composes the mind by analysis’s with the use of introspection, he studied the feelings and sensations of humans, believing that with proper training the individual could correctly identify theses mental processes. Psychology has been a subject pondered as far back as Socrates and Aristotle. There are many different schools of thought formed, such thoughts are perceived as opposing forces referred to as perspectives contributing to the way we understand psychology. Some