Sheliah Gordon
September 9, 2014
Dr. Obinnayay Onyecherelam
Applying the Results and Conclusion of the Research Process In the research process, applying the results and conclusion is an important process that answers the underlying question of the study. The results are the findings of the study. Depending on what the study was about and how it was conducted, the results could vary and may determine what exactly was found and how it should be applied. The conclusion is a summary of the findings and this is where the researcher developed his or her theory and tries and proves what it is that they were trying to find out. “The teen birth rate has been steadily falling for years, but it still remains the highest teen pregnancy rate in the industrialized countries.” (“Facts About Teen Pregnancy,” 2014). As of May 2014, the state of Texas is ranked number three of fifty-one states in the United States with the highest number of teen pregnancies and number five in teen birth deliveries. Although the numbers have steadily decreased since its peak in the 1990’s, Texas is still considered to be one of the states with the most teen pregnancies preceded by New Mexico and Mississippi. “In 2010, some 614,000 pregnancies occurred among teenage women aged 15–19, for a rate of 57.4 pregnancies per 1,000 women that age. This marks a 51% decline from the 1990 peak and a 15% decline in just two years, from 67.8 in 2008, according to “Facts About Teen Pregnancy” (2014). In the state Texas, sex education is not a required subject and researchers attribute this fact along with racial and ethical backgrounds to the problem of teen pregnancy. This problem is costing taxpayers 1.1 billion dollars a year in health care. So, this problem is not only affecting the families, it is affecting the entire community. To collect data for this study the researchers used the Secondary Data Collection process. Secondary data collection is simply gathering data from documents, records and reports of others. “Texas birth records and population projections were used to simulate pregnancy rates among women ages 15-19 years from 2005 to 2015” (“Teen pregnancy in Texas: 2005 to 2015.,” 2012). The data was appropriate because it consisted of recorded facts and records that were taken by accredited sources. In protecting the right of the subjects, the researchers did not disclose any names, medical information, or any other form of personal information where the subject could be identified. This study was conducted on the number of pregnancies and births of women ages 15-19 and the focus was on the numbers not the specific people. To support the reliability and validity of the study researchers used the Scatter Diagram. “The scatter diagram graphs pairs of numerical data, with one variable on each axis, to look for a relationship between them. If the variables are correlated, the points will fall along a line or curve. The better the correlation, the tighter the points will hug the line” according to “Teen pregnancy in Texas: 2005 to 2015.” Based on historical rates of natural increase, sexual experience among racial and ethnical groups was used to present the numbers. The data was analyzed after being collected and explored. The gathered information was compared with the information from other states and the result was Texas was ranked number three when it came to teen pregnancies and births in the United States. The analysis procedures were appropriate because the researcher had to have other statistics from other states to compare with the Texas statistics. Analyzing recorded facts and records was simply an action of comparing the numbers with other states and finding that some were higher and some were lower. This process help the researcher determine in what order each state was listed in teen pregnancies. The two types of data collected were the quantitative data and the qualitative data. The quantitative data gave information that could be converted into numbers. In other words, the subjects were counted and other information, except their age and the fact that they were pregnant or had given birth, was excluded. The qualitative data would be the information that was not disclosed such as the names and the ages. Qualitative research focuses on gathering of mainly verbal data rather than measurements. It is important to gather one or both forms of data to give more insight to the research. Depending on what the research is about, one or both method of data collection can be used. In conclusion it was found that the state of Texas is among the states with the highest number of teen pregnancies and births. The pregnancies were attributed to lack of sex education, racial and ethnical backgrounds, economic status, and the rise in teen sexual experiences. It proved that the Hispanic race attributes the majority of the teen pregnancies followed by African Americans. Not only is Texas ranked number three and five with teen pregnancies and births, Texas is ranked number one in repeated births among teen mothers in the United States. The pregnancies are costing taxpayers 1.1 billion dollars a year. It is a proven fact that this is a problem that not only affect the families it affects the whole community. The strengths of this study are the fact that the problem is being recognized so that a solution can be found. Because of the awareness of the situation, legislature can began to generate a plan to control teen sexual habits. If this is accomplished, fewer pregnancies will occur. The limits to the study are that it did not include the opinions of the teen women. I feel that if the insight of their situation was given a better idea of controlling the situation could be formed. In order to solve this problem, I feel that the teen young women should give their story and the stories should be compared to find a/the common ground. Once the common ground is found, a better solution could be introduced to control the situation. “Changing population characteristics in Texas and differences in sexual activity and contraceptive failure among racial/ethnic groups indicate that teenage pregnancy will not continue to decline in the coming decade” (“Teen pregnancy in Texas: 2005 to 2015.,” 2012). Now that the quantitative data has been collected a researched more qualitative data should be gathered. References
Facts About Teen Pregnancy. (2014, July). About Health, 1(1), 1-2. Retrieved from
Teen pregnancy in Texas: 2005 to 2015.. (2012, July). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1(1), . Retrieved from
References: Facts About Teen Pregnancy. (2014, July). About Health, 1(1), 1-2. Retrieved from Teen pregnancy in Texas: 2005 to 2015.. (2012, July). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1(1), . Retrieved from