Refer to pages 257 - 272 (reading pack for SS 100) LEVEL OF THOUGHT 25 % ORGANIZATION 25 %
Argumentative focus Thesis statement (using the although…however.. because…1,2,3 format – other formats may be used as long as the argumentative nature of the thesis is evident ) (essay map of the most imp points) Using your own logic and reasoning to prove your point & not relying solely on research Appropriately formulated claim Appropriate use of ethos, logos, pathos Relevant, detailed & varied support for the topic sentences & the thesis statement Appropriate use of logos, ethos & pathos Depth of development
– addressing the audience’s anticipated questions Opposition & counter to the opposition Using research material to support your points (paraphrases + quotations) – restrict this to a minimum as this essay should be based on your own reasoning abilities. Integrating quotations & paraphrases within your own work Introductory paragraph (using 1 of the strategies – lead-in) ending with a thesis statement Essay map sequence to be followed in the essay when giving points for your side Topic sentences for all essay body paragraphs (each topic sentence = miniargument) Unity, relevance & coherence within paragraphs and between paragraphs Following one of the 3 patterns A, B or C * Do not end with the opposition & its counter but with YOUR-point-paragraph (a strong one) Conclusion (using one of the patterns + taking it a step further) No “I” perspective Style (writing effective sentences, features of academic writing, tone) Grammar Use of MLA for in-text referencing & the works cited page
Pattern A Intro .. (general subject area, focus, thesis) Body .. your point & support ..your point & support ..opposition’s 1st point & refutation ..oppositions 2nd point & refutation ..your point & support ....etc... Conclusion Pattern B Intro .. (gen subject area, focus, thesis) Pattern C Intro ..(general subject area, focus, thesis) Body ..your point, its support which also refutes one of your opponent’s claims ..your point, its support which also refutes one of your opponent’s claims ..your point, its support which also refutes one of your opponent’s claims ..... etc.... Conclusion
Body ..opposition’s 1st point & refutation ..opposition’s 2nd point & refutation ..your point & support ..your point & support ..your point & support ..... etc.... Conclusion
(number of body paragraphs are up to you – the number of body paragraphs stated above are just an example & you must not assume that they present a guideline for the number of paragraphs ) (the number of points for your side and for the opposition depends on your topic and your treatment of the topic…. There is no “right” number of paragraphs) (please remember that it’s the DEPTH of development that is more important than the number of point you have) (just remember that your side must always have more points than the opposition)