3. The White City was indeed like a dream, it was an optimistic and a fresh place to some. There were definitely positive and negative aspects of this dreamlike city because dreams can be good or bad. I think the biggest negative aspect was people like Holmes who murdered innocent people and did terrible things. Positive pieces to the puzzle of a city Chicago was included the architects like Burnham and working people who saw a future and had hope.
4. The Chicago World’s Fair left a permanent handprint on America and our history. The fair paved the way for all other amusement parks and buildings with unique architecture of today’s culture. The Ferris wheel was definitely the fair’s biggest invention that is still extremely popular today.
5. This is an interesting question to think about in my opinion. Holmes had somewhat well-known motives in this book. These motives were clearly to murder and destroy people and places. People need to understand these motives so that they can stop them from occurring and t prevent other people to act like Holmes.
8. I really did not know anything about either of these two men so it taught me a lot about them. Striving to do the best you can do is a pretty admirable trait which Burnham definitely had in my opinion. Being able to work as a team and sharing responsibility is also a great characteristic which these two definitely had. Burnham dealt with buildings and business whereas Olmsted dealt with the landscaping and planting that went on even though they were