“All of us who are concerned for peace and triumph of reason and justice must be keenly aware how small an influence reason and honest good will exert upon events in the political field” was said by Albert Einstein. His quote can clearly depict the current political instability that is facing the country of Libya after having their own “Arab Spring” by overthrowing 40 years of Gaddafi regime (8). The question now is how can a country recover the destruction from the unchallenged tyrant?
I do believe that the “Arab Spring” has left a new Libya with severe and longstanding challenges.
Libyans will begin a new life after Gaddafi in terms of reconstruction of their legal, civic, political and moral standards that make a functioning society and government. It is not yet clear where new leadership will come from and for how long it will remain a very weak state for a considerable amount of time. I will be analyzing Libya will have a difficult time implementing democracy, how the business investments will be affected because of the turmoil, the possible arise of more conflicts within the population and the compromised relations with other countries. By utilizing Iraq’s situation of experiencing a social revolt as example it will demonstrate how Libya will have a long battle ahead of them.
The term of the “Arab Spring” can be described as a revolutionary wave that hit most of the Arab nations through protests and demonstrations. The commencement of the wave happened back in December 17, 2010 when Tunisia overthrew their government after Mohamed Bouazizi burned himself in front of government buildings in protest against living his poor state of life in the country. Tunisians were fed with their President Ben Ali who had governed the country for the past 23 years filled with corruption, unemployment, poverty and lack of freedom. The wave of the Arab Spring overthrew the Tunisian president and proceeded on to Egypt where the president Hosni Mubarak awaited