Arabian camels have been domesticated for approximately 3,500 years and have been long valued as pack animals. Throughout history, humans have in fact assured the survival of camels for thousands of years and quite literally led them to success as a species that they probably would never have had on their own. Furthermore, the camel has played such an important role in Arab culture and have served the needs of humans, and have benefited from that service as a species. In fact, due to the camel's eligibilities, Arabs had used camels for transporting and trading. Nowadays, camels are still important in Arab culture that there are over 160 words for "camel" in the Arabic language.
To begin with, there are several camel types and they are spread in lots of regions around the world. In Asia, there are two chief types of camel known as the one-humped "dromedary", and the two-humped "bactrian camel".The one-humped camel is found in the Arabian deserts, while the two-humped camel is an Asiatic animal. Despite some major differences in size, all of the camels are basically similar in structure. For example, the camel's head, though small, is one of its most interesting features. It has two large eyes on either side of the head. Each eye has these long beautiful eyelashes to prevent dust to get into the eyes. According to Brooks Walker, " Camels have callous like pads on their chest, the back of their front leg joints, and the front of their back leg joints". These pads cushion the animal when it kneels down and keeps it comfortable while it is resting on the ground, even on hot sand. The pads are made of tough leathery skin that looks as though the hair has been rubbed off. On other words, camels are created in a great shape with a complete features which make them fit perfectly in Arabian countries.
In nuthla
Arabian camels are fairly used in the past 50-70 years in Saudi Arabia as a way of transporting from one area to another. ِAlthough,