Animals are starting to learn our language. Such as a bonobo since in source 1 Speaking Bonobos paragraph 2 it says”...kept adding symbols to Kanzi’s keyboard …”Then in paragraph 3 it says”Kanzi learned to combine in regular ways…” In other words what this means is that the chimp would have symbols that they would press with other ones to make words or phrases. Also not only chimps would be the only ones to learn our language such as dogs and birds which in source 2 When Animals Communicate, They Are Not Using “Language” paragraph 1 it says”dogs and birds, can be trained to recognize and respond to words…” Dogs …show more content…
and birds will both respond if you call there names also some birds will repeat you and dogs can respond to commands and also tricks.These were only a few animals that can learn our language but many more can learn it too.
Animals are starting to use our language like bonobos.Since in source 1 Speaking Bonobo paragraph 3 it says”...linguist call “proto-grammar”.” What proto-grammar is that the bonobos will press symbols on a keyboard that is how they are starting to use our language.
Also, in source 1 Speaking Bonobo paragraph 4 it says”...respond appropriately to commands…” Bonobos aren’t the only thing that knows how to speak our language some birds can speak our language. Such as parrots they will repeat things that they hear like people talking and noises. On the other hand some say that they can’t like in source 1 speaking Bonobo paragraph 12 it says “...bonobos are simply skilled at getting what they want…” But, in source 1 Speaking Bonobo paragraph 13 it says”...he and I manage to communicate.” But, if the did know our language source 2 When Animals Communicate, They Are Not Using “Language” paragraph 4 it says”...they would have been extinct millions of years ago.”Also in source 2 When Animals Communicate, They Are Not Using “Language” paragraph 5 it says”they lack one or more attributes, that make up human language… -productivity: the ability to combine the words in a language…” But, still many things show why they can speak our
In conclusion what you say in front of a animal it might remember it. So be careful what you say in front of animals.