The person as she is today:
Jane Goodall is currently a primatologist who set out to Tanzania in the 1960’s to study wild chimpanzees by bravely sitting amongst them with nothing but a notebook and her binoculars. She eventually gained the trust of these shy creatures due to her determination and the degree to which how persistent she was. Mrs. Jane is a fascinating woman whose extensive research into the behavior of chimpanzees from 1960’s to this day has changed our basic assumptions about the line differentiating humans from other mammals.
Over the past 45 years, Jane herself has evolved from a steadfast scientist to a passionate conservationist and humanitarian. She is a highly respected member of the …show more content…
She was chaperoned by her mother who, for the first few months shared this adventure with Jane. This was because the British Government which ruled Tanzania at the time strongly suggested so.
It took two years for Jane to be accepted by the group of chimpanzees that she had set out to study. This took substantial determination, dedication and persistence due to which the chimpanzees finally gave in and were comfortable with her being around. They often went to her looking for food because of which she named this system of hers, “the banana club”.
She discovered many things about chimpanzees that startled people, like:
Chimps have a complex social system and communication methods, including a primitive "language" system containing more than 20 individual sounds
Chimps are omnivorous, not vegetarian as had been supposed
Chimps have emotions, minds, personalities and societies just like ours
Chimps employed modified twigs to “fish” for termites which meant that they are capable of tool making which was previously considered only to be a human trait which distinguished humans from animals until her discovery. To this groundbreaking discovery, Leakey responded by