With society all we see is size zero women, with a perfect physique and men with six pack abs everywhere we look, in magazines, on TV and over the internet. The image that top brand diet pills give people is that they can lose the weight without proper diet or exercise. This has been a controversy for many years.
According to the Associated Content, during the nineteenth and twentieth century tapeworm was the first so called “diet pill” discovered. A tapeworm stopped the sensation to eat and was extremely helpful with the weight loss process eventually causing abdominal pain, mal- nutrition and eventually death. (Daniel de Borbon, D. (2008). The history of diet pills. Associated Content) This method is still used today by many women around the world desperate to lose weight. After they have reached their weight loss goal, large doses of antibiotics are consumed to rid themselves of the deathly tapeworm. This method of weight loss has been banned from the United States. (Dietsinreview.com. (n.d). Tapeworm Diet) Amphetamines and Ephedra are two well-known supplements on the market that always claim to drop the pounds in just a matter of days but can cause serious health problems or even death. People do not consider the risks they take when consuming diet pills. With all the brands on the market and with companies claiming that the ingredients