“You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.” (Zig ziglar, Author and speaker).
One may be born with the mental capacity to innovate, think big and achieve great success, but success requires more than merely great ideas. Successful Entrepreneurs are people who are able to think critically, manage problem solving, attain people skills and most importantly possess the passion to manifest their dreams into reality.
Nature vs. Nurture
The debate of Nature versus Nurture has been one of the oldest topics address in Psychology. Overall, it is focuses on the relative influence of genetics and the environment on human development. Over time, two separate schools of thought have emerged. Philosophers such as Plato, believe most things are inborn or they occur naturally irrespective of environmental factors. Others like John Locke believe in an idea termed ‘Tabula Rasa’, which states that the mind begins as a blank state. Rendering by this thought, everything we become and all of our knowledge, is determined by our experiences.
However, recent ideas present a wider range of logical reasoning to support related claims. It is definite that certain individuals were born with the innate tendencies to take risks, identify opportunities, speak persuasively symbolic of inherent marketing skills, accept challenges and the ability to overcome failure; these ideas introduce an article titled “Are Entrepreneurs born or made?” in a Bloomberg business week. Also noted was the author of the book ‘Born Entrepreneurs, Born Leaders’, Scott Shane who persistently presents the idea, “that the tendency toward entrepreneurship is about 48 percent ‘heritable’.
Though certain entrepreneurial attributes are believed to be attained at birth, other key factors such as passion, positive action, commitment, focus, optimism and entrepreneurial consultant John J. Rooney, managing director of
Bibliography: * Bhattacharyya, A. (n.d.) Aren 't Entrepreneurs Born, Not Made? Page 2 of 2 - Forbes.com. [online] Available at: http://www.forbes.com/2011/09/02/forbes-india-the-making-of-an-entrepreneur_2.html [Accessed: 17 Feb 2013]. * Cherry, K. (n.d.) What Is Nature Versus Nurture?. [online] Available at: http://psychology.about.com/od/nindex/g/nature-nurture.htm [Accessed: 20 Feb 2013]. * Glidedesign.com (2013) 50 Great Entrepreneurship Quotes. [online] Available at: http://www.glidedesign.com/50-great-entrepreneurial-quotes/ [Accessed: 17 Feb 2013]. * Helies, M. (2012) Entrepreneurs: Born or Made? Princeton Dropout vs. Wharton MBA. [online] Available at: http://smallbusiness.foxbusiness.com/entrepreneurs/2012/10/02/entrepreneurs-born-or-made-princeton-dropout-vs-wharton-mba/#ixzz2LOEvt084 [Accessed: 16 Feb 2013]. * Klein, K. (2010) Are Entrepreneurs Born or Made?. [online] Available at: http://www.businessweek.com/smallbiz/content/jul2010/sb20100723_154719.htm [Accessed: 16 Feb 2013].