Leaders are born or made?
Leaders are born or made? This statement is the basis of numerous researches made by management professors but there is no right answer. In this essay I will explain my thoughts about leaders, are they made or are they born. “Contrary to the opinion of many people, leaders are not born. Leaders are made, and they are made by effort and hard work.” By Vince T. Lombardi. I agree with this quote, I also believe that Leaders are nurtured, that the skills leaders need can be trained and gathered with hard work. This believe is very poorly shared around people, a survey where 150 respondents were questioned about their belief about leaders, majority thinks that leaders are both born and made a quarter of participants thinks that leaders are born. I can understand why people believe that leaders are born. That’s because of experience of the childhood, we explore the world and learn a lot of things in childhood. I believe that we can learn ability to lead in childhood when we play with friends. We all can remember that there were someone who always led us. That is the place where we could met leadership the first time, the question is did our character were developed in such way that we could acquire this skill to lead. Because some child is shy he always follows the directions the others give. Or that the child is framed by parents which do not allow do different set of things these are the things which blocks everyone to become a leader. It is the character and personality of person. Which can be influenced by parents in young childhood.(Bruce Avolio,1999) Another aspect which helps to share opinion that leaders are born are the characteristics of person, for example, charisma, oratory skills, they could be inborn, as Scott Shane(2010) says:” Numerous studies have revealed that genes affect a variety of leadership dimensions. Your DNA influences your attitudes toward leadership, your ability to head up a group, your
Bibliography: Bruce Avolio(1999).Are leaders born or made?.[online] Available from: http://www.techtied.net/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/are-leaders-born-or-made.pdf. [Accessed: 15.10.2014] Bruce J. Avolio.(2005) Leadership development in balance: made/born.[Online] New Yersey:Lawrence Erlbaum associates, publishers. Available from- http://www.google.lv/books?hl=lv&lr=&id=SOZ4AgAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PR3&dq=leaders+are+born+or+made+book&ots=b8B0e30MnC&sig=KY9PLs_UH0rW1RzG_NdKAnhwv0Q&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false. [Accessed: 15.10.2014] Manktelow J., Brodbeck F.,Anand N..(2005) How to lead: Discover the leader within you.[online] Swindon:Hardwick house. Available from- http://books.google.lv/books?id=mwe23_Kg9l4C&pg=PA14&lpg=PA14&dq=The+question+isn%E2%80%99t:%E2%80%9D+Are+leaders+born+or+made?%E2%80%9D+That+is+like+asking+whether+athletes+are+born+or+made.+There+is+no+single+answer+to+this+question,+for+we+all+know+that+both+inherent+talent+and+hard+training+are+required+to+build+an+exceptional+athlete(+and+even+athletes+with+few+natural+advantages+can+achieve+tremendous+things+with+hard+practice&source=bl&ots=9QyWe4a5Ba&sig=ynGKGIWj70aJaiqPy80QMsRFsKo&hl=lv&sa=X&ei=vDJCVJv5KOPFygPE_IKICg&ved=0CCYQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q&f=false . [Accessed: 15.10.2014] Michael D. Mumford.(2010) Leadership 101.[online].New York:Pringer publishing company. Available from- http://books.google.lu/books?id=gKykNp4uugUC&pg=PA29&dq=Leaders+are+born+or+made?&hl=de&sa=X&ei=vi9CVKnCIeXRywPdo4LABw&ved=0CEgQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=Leaders%20are%20born%20or%20made%3F&f=false. [Accessed: 15.10.2014] Scott Shane(2010). Born entrepreneurs, Born Leaders: How Your Genes Affect Your Work Lide.[online]1. edition. New York: Oxford university press. Available from- http://books.google.lv/books?id=8gduC9V4LYYC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Born+Entrepreneurs,+Born+Leaders:+How+Your+Genes+Affect+Your+Work+Life+ebook&hl=lv&sa=X&ei=sz1CVKSOCor_ygOtmoLQCA&ved=0CB4Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false. [Accessed: 15.10.2014]