in politics at all until I was of age 17, why should we if we can’t vote till the age 18. Most people would ask what is the difference, you only have three years till you could vote, prepare yourself in the meantime. Yes, it might not seem like a long time but as teenagers are given the privilege to vote they would be more interested in politics. As mentioned in the article “ His new civil duty inspired him to accompany his mother to a recent candidate forum at the community center. Asked if he would have gone otherwise, Miller shook his head and said. “No why!”, he was showing a form of interest in politics which serves teens good because even if they don’t vote they would try to learn more about politics.
in politics at all until I was of age 17, why should we if we can’t vote till the age 18. Most people would ask what is the difference, you only have three years till you could vote, prepare yourself in the meantime. Yes, it might not seem like a long time but as teenagers are given the privilege to vote they would be more interested in politics. As mentioned in the article “ His new civil duty inspired him to accompany his mother to a recent candidate forum at the community center. Asked if he would have gone otherwise, Miller shook his head and said. “No why!”, he was showing a form of interest in politics which serves teens good because even if they don’t vote they would try to learn more about politics.