Fertile Question: What are the most likely factors in my ancestors’ decision to immigrate to New Zealand?
Essay Plan
Push factor 1: War
Push factor 2: Poverty
Discussion of Push factors
Pull factor 1: Hidden
Pull factor 2: Cheap land
Discussion of Pull factors
My Ancestry
My ancestor came to New Zealand in search for a better future in his life and was part of a horde of people that came from england to countries that were not populated at the time. He was pushed away from scotland because of war and poverty. Thus he came to New Zealand.
Push Factor 1: War
When my ancestor also my great grandfather, John McDonald was only a child his dad had been working in the french army and had just received news …show more content…
there was a lack of food, money and jobs which would would have been worse to the fact that there was terrible weather all the time not to mention the war, so you could probably understand why they wanted to leave.
Discussion of Push factors
They wanted to move away for many reasons including the spanish flu that caught John’s mother, Elizabeth and 50 Million others across the world. They also wanted to escape the war that had taken its toll on the people of glasgow. While John’s Father was waiting to come home John and his two little sisters, Georgie and Chrissie were being taken care of by an aunt of theres that was apparently a very cruel lady that John and his sisters wanted to escape from.
Pull Factor 1: Hidden
When they were considering moving they wanted somewhere that they could escape the war from and New Zealand was a good choice choice considering that there was about 70% less people in New Zealand at the time.
Pull Factor 2: Cheap Land
When money was short for the McDonalds they could hardly afford their land in scotland so they needed a way to buy land for a cheap price and thankfully New Zealand was a great choice for