
Are You A Biased Tv Biaser Analysis

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Viewers decide what to watch based on personal opinions, it is also the matter of fact if these points of views are validated because people are biased. In the video Are You A Biased TV Viewer, Bernie Goldberg emphasizes that more and more tv viewers are only listening to new sources that consider and validate some of these specific points the spectators stand for. Viewers will choose sides on either liberal or conservative, but only a few will be in between actually listening to a couple of sources to choose an unprejudiced viewpoint. Someone will not agree to watch something that contradicts opinions that some consider to be honest and precise. People will not watch something that will disagree and second guess opinions being stood for. These …show more content…

Lately, however with the way widespread media has changed the way of receiving information it is difficult to know whether one is simply roaming the internet or actually using it for causes like choosing political candidates. Although this generation, for example, is a bit more open, because for viewers actually getting information are receiving it from multiple sources and take time out to listen to different angles and points of views to the story that contribute to opinions that are not what people say preconceived opinions or ideas. Preconceived notions like ideas and opinions are created beforehand without adequate evidence. These notions are brought for people who are biased, turn sides real quick or even bandwagon. Viewers are brought in with propaganda techniques so they can try to decide quickly upon a side without fully being capable of knowing for sure what the side specifically stand for. As previously mentioned a viewer gets comfortable with frequently watched tv programs and begin to become stubborn with opinions and fail to see actual facts. Why should tv stop people from choosing a direct side, that is where generation z steps in to solve this problem for themselves, surrounded by media, this generation uses some of the ability of holding sources in technology to contradict what it is that tv sources are so afraid of sharing with spectators. That is why more and more teens are choosing sides in between what sources have for viewers to

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