Though an extremely new medium, social media has seemed to completely alter the way Americans think, especially among the Millennial generation. It is another perfect example of how our lack of sense and reason has transformed something that was designed to increase our social capabilities into a way to rant, boast, and bully. Instead of using social media to communicate and connect positively, our society has used it to create countless issues and distractions that only deter and detract from developing our social…
As elections pass, more and more attention is being put on the looks of individuals rather than on their words and beliefs. When John F. Kennedy ran for president against Richard M. Nixon, it is said that he was immensely victorious in the debates, and this was “largely a triumph of image over content.” (Menand) He didn’t necessarily speak the most convincing words; he just looked more attractive on everyone’s television screens. Television companies are aware of their great influence, which is why more networks broadcast the presidential debates now than ever. Recently, five news companies broadcast the presidential debates compared to three in the 1960’s. (Chart) Why has this number increased? It is due to American’s opinions and judgment being so easily swayed by the appearances of others, television has transformed the presidential election process into a “competition for images or between images” instead of one “between ideals.” (Menand)…
Social media is described as the potential space of interaction where citizens are simultaneously exposed to news and the views of people in their social network. While most people use social media only to receive friendly updates, obtain emotional support, or to flip through photos and videos they may also be subject to political persuasion without any knowledge of it. Frequently citizens are influenced by news media and/or social context when forming their own conclusions about politics. Usually political persuasion is achieved through the conversations people have because they can ignite disagreement, which in return leads to someone being influenced to change their views. The Internet and social media are also considered to be heterogeneous networks for the reason that it is very diverse. This diversity can attribute to the fact that people are shown alternate views on politics, which of course leads to the persuasion of change. Once an individual has been exposed to new viewpoints it boosts their demand for new information that supports their current thoughts and beliefs. Both disagreement and diversity go hand and hand with each other. Such a diverse network can lead to disagreement among people who believe that their thoughts are true and others are false. The diversity urges people to seek new views and more information, contemplate their own…
But the Internet didn’t play a major role in this election. Clinton’s campaign created a website that had the candidate’s biographies, their views or positions on the issues, and copy…
Many have been researching the various problematic assumptions and ideas of youth and the social media, but few have actually been able to prove that youth and technology could be helpful or harmful. S. Craig Watkins and Danah Boyd have accomplished the task of studying youth and social media, and have come to the conclusion that social media has given youth a different perspective on life. In The Young and the Digital article, we see many believe that technology has been shaping our kids. The question remains, whether the social media such as MySpace and Facebook are affecting the way teens ' and young people view racial classes? MySpace than was the big talk of social networks and now MySpace is not even in the picture anymore; Facebook and its privacy issues has taken the spot of being the big talk of social networks.…
Petronzio, Matt. "Can Social Media Really Boost Voter Turnout?" Mashable. LiveFyre, 2 Oct. 2012. Web. 04 Dec. 2013. .…
Social media proves to be the way of the future. Through social media, political campaigns can influence millions of voters at once. Just like in the US Congressional Election in 2010, one message was responsible for one-third of the million votes cast. Even though 300,000 plus…
In the United States, social media sites are currently being used by two out of three people, and search engines are used daily. Social media is helping America to stay informed, to stay organized, and to react rapidly. Not only can users on social media sites communicate with their friends, but they can also communicate with other users whom they connected with through shared use of political groups and pages. During the 2006 and 2008 election seasons, new technologies emerged that enabled individuals to participate in media-rich online communities organized around the creation and exchange of media content. The popularity of social media such as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, especially among younger voters, provides a highly visible environment for candidates to promote themselves, interact with voters in fundamentally different ways than in previous elections, and enable users to interact with their peers about political issues.…
In the recent years, the use of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube has drastically increased. Most importantly social media has a powerful influence in politics, they are constantly used for promoting and for a campaign, but sometimes social media can be overused. Our newly elected president, Donald Trump has been using the social media for the wrong reasons and wrong reasons like bashing and attacking people.…
If a candidate makes a bad joke or a false statement, it can cause them to lose support in a presidential election. In Robert E. Denton, Jr.’s “The 2012 Presidential Campaign,” he discusses candidates’ memes and videos on social media. Denton elaborated on how a candidate’s actions can “go viral,” in minutes and “leave the campaign little control over the message.” For example, Big Bird memes were the highlight of the second 2012 presidential debate when Romney stated: "he would consider cutting federal funding to PBS though he liked Big Bird." After his statement, The Washington Post reported that Twitter users posted 17,000 tweets per minute mentioning Romney’s Big Bird remarks. After the debate, the public viewed Romney as ignorant for not understanding the value of education on public broadcasting…
An essential understanding of how to reach and communicate with fellow supporters has been at the center of every politician’s agenda, but a firm grasp on the future of communication can be the secret weapon that wins the war. For Franklin D. Roosevelt, it was radio. For John F. Kennedy it was television. And for Barak Obama, it was social media and social networking. Social media and social networking were effective during the election of Barak Obama, in connecting his supporters, organizing his campaign, and also in reaching and changing the way young adults between the ages of 21 and 35 decided to vote, but for all the “up close and personal” feelings social networking evoke, there are advantages as well as disadvantages of using social media and social networking in the presidential campaign. Barak Obama has used this means of communication to change the face of politics in America, as well as give the people a voice in politics. Barak Obama, along with the other presidential candidates of the 2008 presidential election, crowned the internet as the king of all political media, with their use of social networking from MySpace to Facebook to YouTube. MySpace went online in 2003, Facebook in 2004, and YouTube in 2005. In the 2008 presidential campaign, these social networks provided a platform, not only for the presidential candidates to reach out to the people, but also for the people to be able to connect with the candidates, as well as with other supporters, but there was some controversy as to whether this form of campaigning would hurt or help the candidates in their efforts of becoming president. “The candidates had adopted many internet tools, including social networking websites, for the purposes of communicating with constituents and voters, collecting donations, fostering community, and organizing events” (Robertson 11). The candidates of the 2008…
are using derivatives of technology, providing that the technology revolution is upon us and changing the young generation. The young generation uses Facebook, Twitter and other social media to stay politically active and protect their rights online. Also, under the protection of social media, renegates become more brave to express their political idea.…
Nowadays social media plays an important role in teenagers life. The vast majority of teenagers in the United States are daily social media users. There are countless of social networking sites that have created broad connections among teens. For example, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Skype, YouTube, and the like are used quite frequently. According to Shea Bennett, one out of every seven minutes spent online is on Facebook. But does social media have positive impact on teens? To me the answer is yes. For the vast majority of teens, the overall impact on social media has been positive (Rideout). Social media helps teens stay connected to each other even if they are a thousand miles away, and it keeps us up to date with what's going on around the world and so on. Social media has positive impact on teens in many ways.…
The Internet has shaped and has an excellent impact on politics. It has helped politicians to be more known all over the world. They are able to get information across now faster than ever and more effectively. The Internet offers a quick response and plays a role in the way politics are factor in to people’s lives. Many do not watch and feel strongly on their views about politics and have negative perceptions on this subject matter. I feel the Internet has caused an excessive amount of controversy about politics and people are involved now more than earlier decades. Politicians can get their views across on media websites or through emails. The Internet is known to get views across more profoundly and faster for people to communicate. They are able to reach a wider audience because this is where the people can be reached. Most people spend most of their day online at some point. The Internet is useful to get the views heard straight from the person this helps people get their voice heard. We learn the facts on the issues most people are online with this new generation no one really reads the paper or watches the news anymore because; they can receive updates to their cell phone at an instant. What people put on the Internet about the campaign determines the success of the politician. Bloggers can be rude; But the Internet helps the politician see people stand points and viewpoints on the issues. The internet is easily accessible from smart phones to computers it also helps Americans to be informed on the issues in the world. You can take your cell phone almost anywhere so from a political point the Internet helps because, how fast information is accessed it makes things more convenient. Politicians find this convenient and helpful for their campaign. The Internet has shaped and has an excellent impact on politics. It has helped politicians to be more known all over the world. They are able to get information across now faster than ever and more effectively. The…
References: Mohd Rizaimy Shaharudin, Hadzli Ishak, Jennifah Nordin,Syazliyati Ibrahim8, 2010, CANADİAN SOCİAL SCİENCE; Malaysian Young Voters’ Voices in the New Political…