
Arguement In Faust

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Arguement In Faust
In our daily lives, it’s not uncommon to be dissatisfied with our monotonous routines; working nine to five, going to class Monday through Friday, etc. However, dissatisfaction reaches an extreme when aside from our repetitive schedules, there isn’t much else that feels fulfilling. In Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe’s play Faust, the main character, Faust, faces this problem in all aspects of his life and craves something more than just existing on earth, waiting to die. Similarly, my feelings echo his in this search of a “something more.” I truly believe there has to be more to life on earth rather than just going through the motions, passing humanity by, waiting for death. In that sense, I feel discontent wasting any amount of time in my life …show more content…
However, I fall short of knowing exactly what I am to do or how I should go about it. Should I get master’s degree and a well paying job? Should I pack up my belongings tomorrow and travel the world, experiencing all I can? What is the right path and what will make me feel like my life was full and satisfying?
All of these questions and all of this doubt about what will provide my life with significance make me miserable. I know I should live in the moment and enjoy life for what it is but, like Faust, I find myself overwhelmed with an unobtainable purpose in life. However, similarly to Faust, I still waste time contemplating things beyond my understanding, knowing that I mustn't. Mephistopheles speaks of Faust, saying: “Drives madly on, there’s in him such a torment, / He himself is half aware he’s crazy;” (Goethe 104). While I don’t consider myself crazy in a literal sense, I know that my ideas about life are not necessarily common and I relate to Faust in understanding the pain it causes in one's self to dwell on these ideas. Nonetheless, I manage through my anxieties about life, with support from the people I’m closest to, although I never truly abandon the longing for a different world, and an enlightenment, so to

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