For several years now I have known exactly what I wanted to be.
My decision has not once altered to become a physical therapist. Six years ago I had a traumatic knee injury that caused me to go to physical therapy, and since then I have known exactly where my life should go. Injuries may seem terrible for many people. They are expensive, painful, and can sometimes put an end to either a passion or a career. For me, my injury was all three of those, but it was also an eye opener for me. Week after week of going to the orthopedic surgeon and day after day of being at the physical therapist opened my eyes to the medical field and made me realize what all these people do for those in need. Physical therapists whole practice is to help rehabilitate those who have had injuries that have yielded their body to do a certain function. The whole thing was just amazing. They helped people in a fun way without much harm or pain being done in the process. My complete attitude had changed towards doctors. I loved it. Until this day, I still am determined on being a physical therapist. It is crazy how one bad event can help you determine your entire