More specifically, the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution states “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed” (US Constitution, Art.II, Amendment 2.). This is very important to all United States citizens because of two reasons. Firstly, the government would have too much control over the people if the people did not have a way to fight back. Secondly, firearms are used to deter unwanted people away such as a rapist, criminal or intruder. Also, in a very drastic case, if a foreign army invaded the United States citizens would be able to protect themselves. Most people would have guns to fight back because of the rights stated in the Second Amendment. Some civilians take the Second Amendment quite seriously and an infringement on their guns rights using harsh gun control laws will stir up a large amount the populous. Joseph Blocher is a professor of law who studies the first and second amendment which make his opinion on the second amendment accurate. Joseph writes, “Some acts of violence—like some ideas—will be undesirable, but they will be deterred or stopped by desirable acts of violence, such as those involving justified self-defense” (Blocher 352). Guns are readily available to the general public, but whether or not the people who buy guns do good or bad with them…