Drug legalization will decrease the crimes in the U.S.A significantly. Almost 80% crimes in the U.S.A are created because inability to afford drug and organize drug sales. According to a recent survey of persons in prison for robbery or burglary, one out of three said that they committed their crimes and some of them claimed that they may commit again in order to buy drugs (How legalization would cut crime, by Dr.Steven B.Duke) Similarly, history repeats its self. Back in 1920s, one of the major boosts from the alcohol prohibition is organized crime, increased by 24%. Though the alcohol prohibition lasted 14 years, the only thing it brought was crimes and more and more alcoholics. Also, in May, 30 2009, a war on drug began, in this war, the only thing it gained was more and more drug sales crimes and there was a 13% raised in drug user. Moreover, since the drugs are the product people desire, that people will ignore the authorities just to obtain products they want, which will induce more crimes. On the other hand, taking charge in drug will provide the government rights to control drug prices and sales, which means people can access to the drug in a legal way, therefore instead of against the drugs, making it legalized, will turn out surprisingly good.
Drug legalization will make drugs safer and make sure the teenagers will not access to drug as easily as it used to be.
References: Harvard Economist: Legalizing Drugs Suits Ideal of American Freedom (March 01, 2013) Harvard university [online] Available at http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/harvard-economist-jeffrey-miron-on-why-drugs-should-be-legalized-a-886289.html The Case for Legalizing Heroin, Jeffrey Rogers Hummel (1998) Anarchist Library [online]. Available at http://flag.blackened.net/daver/misc/hummel.html Wharton Econometrics of Bala Cynwyd, Pa