Essay Assignment #2: Argument of Definition
The Argument of Definition
Every day we hear or perhaps use the argument of definition. Now that we have discussed this type of argument and examples of this argument in class, it is time for you to construct your own argument concerning definition.
Your Assignment:
Pick one of the following 2 statements:
Though thought to be wholesome examples of entertainment, animated Disney films are racist.
Though thought to be wholesome examples of entrainment, animated Disney films are sexist.
Construct an argument of definition that either defends the argument made, or counters the argument made.
Focus your argument on the specifically italicized word and its definition(s) and use examples from at least 3 animated Disney films.
• Your paper should be between 4-5 pages, double-spaced, in length.
• Your paper WILL have a works cited page
• You should have at least 2 Pages, hardcopy, completed to bring to designated class workshop day, September 30 See your syllabus for workshop day requirements
• Your Final paper will be due October 7
Your Paper will be graded on the following factors:
Content: Your paper successfully supports or counters the chosen statement. The definition of the italicized word is thoroughly explored (operational, situational, etc). Your claims are backed with evidence from outside sources— Disney Films (50%)
Organization & Style: Your paper is organized in an easily readable way. Your ideas are easy to follow and the reader is able to gather a concrete argument. Your sentences flow and the message is delivered to the reader clearly. There is a clear and developed introduction to the topic at hand, a specific thesis, and a concrete conclusion. You transition easily from topic to topic. Your tone is appropriate for the academic setting (no use of 1st or 2nd person) (25%)