On ultrasound there is a live monochorionic twin gestation. Twin A is breech and twin B is cephalic. Amniotic fluid appears somewhat lower for twin A, although there was a 2 cm pocket on either side of the membrane. Bladders were seen on both babies. We did note female fetuses at today’s exam. …show more content…
I did start to discuss twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome given the fluid and growth discrepancy. I scheduled her to return early next week. That will give us plenty of time to get her to Cincinnati should she appear to have twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. There is also still a possibility for unequal placental sharing. We will get her scheduled into our Global practice moving forward since she will have several visits. I scheduled her to return next week to evaluate for twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome and the following week for anatomy unless there is evidence of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome next week and we will do that prior to referring her to