Briante Bankston
Grand Canyon University: HLT-302
Professor Waddell
May 23, 2013
Moral Case Study: Fetal Abnormality All throughout life we go through and sometimes have to face and deal with the most challenging and unexpected circumstances. Thankfully, we have the ability to take a moment and think wisely about our choices. Because that is ultimately what life is about making decisions. In the Case Study: Fetal Abnormality Jessica and Marco are faced with some unfortunate news from Dr.Wilson, that the fetus Jessica was carrying was not likely to develop any arms and had a quarter of a chance of having Down syndrome. They were faced with a couple of options to deal with the situation accordingly …show more content…
Wilson he has demonstrated the ways of the human property theory to determine the moral status of the fetus. Dr.Wilson looked at the situation from a doctor’s point of view by suggesting an abortion based on scientific and medical means. The human property theory influenced Dr.Wilson’s greatly in my opinion. “Some of the characteristics that would give a being with moral status under this view would include things like, being conceived from human parents, or having a human genetic code, or the features of a human (physical human characteristics). And since the baby will be born without arms, the doctor might have found it just to abort the baby since it lacks the physical human characteristics of arms. However, if the baby were to be born with arms and just have down syndrome I’m sure the doctor would not be for abortion since there are babies born with down …show more content…
Had this had been me in this predicament I would choose to see the pregnancy through, however I would choose to give the child up for adoption because I don’t think it is the child’s fault that they are born with this disability so I would give them the opportunity to live for I too see life as being sacred. As a result one might say that the theory I relate too is the moral agency one. I chose to handle the decision based on my morality and I thought that it was not right to choose to terminate the pregnancy. Due to me judging the situation and deciding what was right and what was wrong, my decision was heavily influenced by the moral agency