Grand Canyon University: HLT-310V-O191
May 3rd, 2015
Case Study Analysis In this specific case study by GCU, (2015), about fetal abnormality there is the mother-to-be Jessica, the father-to-be Marco, the aunt named Maria and Dr. Wilson who is the attending physician in the county hospital. Jessica who is four months pregnant goes to the hospital with her husband to see Dr. Wilson. He informs them about the rare fetal abnormality and possibility of Down syndrome. The following paragraphs will explain the theories that are being used by each individual in the case study:
Maria: the aunt believes that Jessica has a “responsibility as a mother” to go through with the pregnancy as “God intends” it to happen. (GCU, 2015) She believes that prayer and involvement of the priest is the appropriate …show more content…
It is growing inside her as God intended it and it is a living organism. It has human properties but not necessarily cognition. The fetus is unable to understand what is right or wrong yet it has a special relationship with the mother for it is growing in her uterus and it is a part of her during that time.
Marco: he supports whatever decision Jessica will make but is can’t help but think about the financial burden this will place on them because even if the child grows up he or she will not be able to have all the cognitive properties but should be a sentient life form.
I believe that all living organisms have a moral status but I also believe in quality of life. The mother should be able to carry the child full term but she should also consider the consequences such as the long term care and resources the child will require. When it is born it may cause stress on the parents and likely on the aunt because they will no longer be able to move out of her house. It may break up the marriage and cause inconsistencies in the child’s