Here in the United States a rape is reported every six minutes and one in five women will be raped in their lifetime. [1], And one in ten men will be raped in their lifetime. [2] It seems to be more and more common, adolescent and adult rapists getting off with easy punishments for their crimes to prevent from damaging their future. No jail time and no blemishes on their near, “perfect” records. While victims are left scarred and traumatized with little to no closure, their rapist is roaming freely on the streets, or in the supermarkets, waiting to strike again. How is a human supposed to walk down the street knowing there rapist could be a mere few streets away from them? With no protection in between. The question stands, should a rapist be charged with jail time or a more severe punishment for invading one's privacy in such a demeaning way?
The names Brock Turner and David Becker seem to have turned into nearly household names as people tend to get more and more upset with how the justice system is being played out. Both found guilty of rapeing and abusing another person and neither sentenced with a long term jail punishment. Brock turner, (age twenty-one at the time the rape occurred) was …show more content…
Rape can also cause physical trauma such as STD’s, Bruises and scars on the body left by the perpetrator, and it can also cause an unwanted pregnancy. [5] Many victims of rape require therapy for the rest of their lives, if they continue to have one. Many rape victims end up committing suicide because there guilt and the memories are just too much on them. Some victims also died during the