A big question in today’s society revolves around the age old rivalry, science versus the church. The topic being are today’s scientists playing the role of God? With all the technology and advances we have in today’s world, things such as cloning, mapping the human genome and transplants are becoming a reality. One God like power scientists have discovered is that of GMO’s, or genetically modified organisms. Scientists of the twenty first century have discovered a way to make not only the plants but the offspring of some animals genetically modified. Making the organisms transgenic is the process in which occurs. During this process, they take DNA and modify it to their liking. With the new DNA in hand, they inject it into the egg cell of an animal or plant. That animal or plant then becomes the surrogate, with its offspring now containing the engineered DNA. Some GMO’s in agriculture include corn that can grow through a drought, cotton, soybeans that once died due to weed killer and rice. These were either engineered to reduce the use of insecticides or increase resistance to a specific herbicide. Another reason, found in “golden” rice is to make it healthier for our bodies. Scientists can …show more content…
make it to where our bodies can obtain more vitamins from that of a modified crop compared to the untouched one (Phillips). In many places there are different types of constraints and regulations put on GMOs. From certain types of crops, information, costs and ways the crop itself is modified. For example, in Italy, it is said that information on GMOs must be available to the general public and continuously updated. Food that is modified must also be clearly labeled and packaged saying exactly what it it. When found unsafe or harmful to the public, production must be able to be suspended until research proves non harmful otherwise. Another restriction apart from the US is that they must be labeled, in detail, of what exactly they contain. Consequently, if they fail to do so, they cannot sell the GMO legally until the labeling issue is resolved. The Food and Drug Administration or (FDA) is responsible for regulating the safety of all human and food from animal products in the United States. They make sure the food is safe and non-poisonous in any way. Any product must be condemned approved by the FDA before being sold to the public legally. They have also prohibited false labeling within the states. The administration is also responsible for testing the allergies or proteins in the new products and making that information readily available. Whether or not these engineered foods are safe is an argument within itself. Most scientists believe the good outweighs the bad in this case and facts show self evidence of this. Even with the facts, many people in the US are still undetermined whether they should eat GMOs or not. Through a span of twenty years of producing GMOs there has been no clear impact on eating scientifically modified food. The main cause is based off of “what ifs” and the simple fact of eating something that was not produced naturally. Ordinarily, humans believe it to be unhealthy due to it was modified in a lab. Even without any major proven impact of it being a cancer to society, some people still believe it to be just that. The fact of the matter is people have a mental block of uncertainty towards GMOs. Those who are able to work past that see the benefits that come with modified foods. Having not been proven otherwise, the benefits definitely outweigh that of the opposition.
More facts point toward GMOs being good for society. GMOs can be quite freighting, due to the simple fact we don’t know exactly what our food may contain anymore. Naturally, It kind of looks like to some that scientists are trying a food experiment with rats, and we the humans in society, are the lab rats. Nevertheless, they can be intimidating, but GMOs are a plus to people across the world and society in general. Scientists are discovering many new ways to have God like powers and such, but it is for the benefit of humanity. Though science may get close to playing God, there will only be one person with true godlike powers and that God