Online schooling can come with some benefits, but it also comes with many difficulties. They are two completely different ways of learning, but with online, it takes away the interaction and personal contact that a student would have with traditional schooling. Less than 60% of online students claim to learn better in the classroom than online. Rasmussen University has had studies that prove face to face instruction is the best approach for providing the correct levels of attention. By taking away the personal instruction the student’s grades could drop. Students may not be able to understand what they are reading completely and give up on trying to understand. However, if a student was able to directly talk to a teacher, then the student could understand …show more content…
However, some students need a routine. Waking up at 12 everyday and staying up all night and still cheating on your online school work isn’t the correct way of learning. This will not get the students who do this anywhere. It won’t help with success. This makes the switch to homeschooling in order to learn pointless. For some students, bullying is also a problem. Some may have switched from traditional to online because of this. However, taking away the students social interaction all together doesn’t help them learn to deal with their problems. All people, all students, go through some sort of bullying. Name calling won’t change wherever a person ends up, because it can still happen online. After high school, after graduation, there’s much more to come, and students must learn how to deal with difficult